Blog Post #4

Who owns the Past?

The past is owned by whoever owns the proper copyright. Typically, it’s up to the owner of a piece of work to dictate how it is used, referenced, or cited. Every author or inventor can choose a different copyright for each work, it all depends on how you want the work to be used. For example, someone may want credit for their final work and to block anyone from using it commercially. In terms of history, I believe most historical artifacts or general information should be allowed and open to the public. Although, there is certain limitations that come with each form of copyright. Therefore, owning the past is a complicated question and changes with each piece of work.

Which Copyright is best for this Website?

For Scratchy Cat Blogs, I have chosen a CC0 1.0 Universal copyright. This is the most basic copyright and allows anyone to take my work and change, adapt, or build upon any material I have created here. They can even use it commercially if they desire too. I choose a CC0 1.0 Universal because I felt like my website is very basic and only used by me for practice and as a learning tool. Therefore, I think the public can use my work to also learn. Also, all my information and citations I am using are meant for the public and open for such; it makes the most sense to me to keep it that way.

What about your Final Project?

For my Final Project, I will be using a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. This copyright requires that credit be given to me, no commercial use of my work, and no derivatives or adaptations. I want my final work for this class to be accessible to all, but under the condition that all the work I’ve put in to this class and to my exhibit stay how I have created them. I am fine with my website being universal, since its for practice only, but I want my exhibit protected.

Potential Limitations?

As for how my copyright might limit my work, I can’t really think of much. Since, it’s noncommercial I wouldn’t be able to receive any compensation I suppose, but I don’t see any possibility I’d get any in the first place. The other point is since I’m banning any adaptations and a goal of my project is to spread awareness, I am limiting others from building off of my work.

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