Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #9

    During our class Gallery Walk, I got to see and really compare my project to my other classmates. In the first part, while I critiqued their work, I learned that not everyone was very far into the project. This seems like a very small thought but, it was very comforting to me. I thought I’d…

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  • Blog Post #8

    Geospatial Visuals Geospatial Visuals and analysis can change how we view data. It changes how we process the information presented in front of us and therefore, changes the questions we ask. For example, by seeing a visual representation of the data rather than a bunch of points we can see trendlines easier. Trendlines can indicate…

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  • Blog Post #7

    Challenges and Issues with Timeline/Storymap While creating visuals for my digital exhibit, I created three different visual representations of my data: a timeline, a storymap, and a geospatial map. View these Creations Below! As far as challenges, the most complicated part of creating three different visuals was simply finding different sources and topics for all…

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  • Blog Post #6

    Experience Creating an Omeka Exhibit Omeka was a challenging for me at first; there was a learning curve to using the website and all its functions. The main function I continuously forgot to apply was saving my changes as I worked instead of just once at the end. Once I figured out the basics and…

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  • Blog Post #5

    What are the primary goals of the website? The primary goals of my digital exhibit is to understand how the cultural perspective of cats has shifted throughout time and to better appreciate our feline friends. I want to raise awareness from the past to better understand the current role of cats. Who is the primary…

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  • Blog Post #4

    Who owns the Past? The past is owned by whoever owns the proper copyright. Typically, it’s up to the owner of a piece of work to dictate how it is used, referenced, or cited. Every author or inventor can choose a different copyright for each work, it all depends on how you want the work…

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  • Museum Exhibit

    Lights Out: Recovering our Night Sky The exhibit Lights Out: Recovering our Night Sky, was my chosen exhibit review for my DH 390 class. It is located at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and is an temporary exhibit curated by several important associations; such as, The World At Night, International Dark-Sky Association, and…

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  • Blog Post #3

    Coding in Digital Humanities Digital Humanities is using technology to further communication and make history more accessible to research and learn. Coding involves learning and typing script to modify a website and customize functions. While in my DH 390 course, I have been learning to code in HTML and CSS; simply coding basic introductions and…

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  • Review of “Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives”

    In class we had the task to review a chosen historical site and analyze the following criteria: project goals, credentials, and presentation. “Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives,” at first glance is a minimalistic website documenting and providing tremendous evidence about what life was like for a prisoner in the Russian prison system. The websites provides…

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